
Dianne K


The romantic history and allure of the corset draws you into a story of both passion and practical guidance. It weaves its way along in a quiet manner introducing self-confidence, sensuality, and eroticism and the importance of each one for attracting a relationship or to keep one exciting and more meaningful. There are numerous tips and references to guide you along the way and to help define what is important to you. You can take the information and apply it to where you are in your life or take parts of it and create your own story of romance and passion.

Edie O


This book is a one-stop shopping, 2-books-in-1, great read. The first part, although based on a fictional romance between a man and a woman, lays out a clear path to recapturing the passion they once had. The second part is a how-to for meeting that special someone without resorting to dating apps, beginning with preparing oneself for the journey. In essence, this book is a manual for anyone who is looking to boost or jumpstart their confidence with inspiring examples and suggestions for one’s dating and love life.  It will appeal and is applicable to all gender identities.

Janet G


Thoughtful advice with straightforward strategies for your personal well-being and confidence before you step out into the world seeking a relationship. The author believes in moving beyond your comfort zone… but with awareness, and the book backs it up with both research and personal experience. Interesting information and useful advice to consider when thinking of your own journey toward intimacy and/or looking to find love….